Thursday 29/06
8:00 – 8:30 Registration
8:45 – 9:00 School Opening
Prof. L. Marchiol, Convener, University of Udine
Prof. E. Piasentier, Head of DI4A
Session 1. Structure and Characterization of Nanomaterials
Schedule | Speaker | Title |
9:00 | Alessandro | When each atom counts: the unique properties of matter at the nanoscale |
10:00 | Clara | Engineered Nanomaterials (ENMs): synthesis and characterization |
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break
Session 2. Nano-Enabled Agriculture (part I)
Schedule | Speaker | Title |
11:30 | Luca | Engineered nanomaterials and crops. A very recent story |
12:30 | Francesco | Nanomaterials in food and feed: assessing human and animal health risks |
13:30 – 14:30 Light lunch
Session 3. Nano-Enabled Agriculture (part II)
Schedule | Speaker | Title |
14:30 | Youry | Plant-microbes-nanomaterials interactions in agroecosystems |
15:30 | Tiziana | Mitigation of the environmental impacts of agriculture: nano-herbicides |
16:30 | Danilo | Let the plants do the talking: Smart Agriculture by the messages received from plants and soil |
17:45 Group Photo
Friday 30/06
Session 4. Engineered Nanomaterials and Plant Nutrition
Schedule | Speaker | Title |
9:00 | Luca | Plant-engineered nanomaterials interactions: an omics-based perspective |
10:00 | Guido | Nano-fertilization: a new approach of providing nutrients in the agroecosystem |
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Session 5. Engineered Nanomaterials and Plant Protection
Schedule | Speaker | Title |
11:30 | Giorgio | Nanotechnology-based materials for sustainable plant protection strategies: a practical solution to replace pesticides |
12:30 | Sara | Application of nanotechnology for innovative gene-delivery systems for plant protection strategies |
13:30 – 14:30 Light lunch
Session 6. Nano-Enabled Agriculture and Circular Economy
Schedule | Speaker | Title |
14:30 | Massimo | Lignin-based nanocarriers for the controlled release of active ingredients |
15:30 | Dora | Recycling of waste compounds: chitosan of biological origin as a raw material for ENMs production |
16:30 Conclusions and Greetings